Linking soil management to ecosystem functions and services in oil palm plantings

Identifying key ecosystem service providers 

The rapid expansion of oil palm cultivation in Southeast Asia in the past decades has led to deforestation, loss of biological diversity, poor water quality and greenhouse gas emission . Soil management is seen as one of the key solutions for achieving high yield and other vital ecosystem services in oil palm agroecosystems, such as biocontrol and runoff reduction. These soil management practices in addition will have various impacts on nutrient cycling and soil structure and provide a good model to investigate these links between ecosystem processes and services.

This project aims to identify the key ecosystem service providers and the variability of community structure of soil decomposition under different soil management practices in oil palm ecosystem, then to link the ecosystem function to ecosystem services and goods provided in oil palm landscape, such as soil fertility and oil production.

This project is under The Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA) Project .


Tao Hsiao Hang, JL Snaddon, EM Slade, L Henneron, JP Caliman, KJ Willis, Application of oil palm empty fruit bunch effects on soil biota and functions: a case study in Sumatra, Indonesia,  Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 256 2018.

Tao Hsiao Hang, JL Snaddon, EM Slade, JP Caliman, RH Widodo, Suhardi Suhardi, KJ Willis, Long-term crop residue application maintains oil palm yield and temporal stability of production,  Agronomy for Sustainable Development 37(4) 2017.

Hsiao-Hang Tao, Eleanor M Slade, Katherine J Willis, Jean-Pierre Caliman, Jake L Snaddon, Effects of soil management practices on soil fauna feeding activity in an Indonesian oil palm plantation, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 218 2016.

Hsiao-Hang Tao, Jake L. Snaddon, Eleanor M. Slade, Resti Wahyu, Jean-Pierre Caliman, Kathy J. Willis, Effects of empty fruit bunch (EFB) application on soil fauna feeding activity in oil palm plantations, Sustainable Management of Soil in Oil Palm Plantings, 2015 p35.

Jake L Snaddon, Katherine J Willis, David W Macdonald, Biodiversity: Oil-palm replanting raises ecology issues, Nature, 502 2013.

Project details

Completed project

Research Team:

Funding Agency: Taiwanese Ministry of Education (held by Hsiao-Hang Tao)