Ana Prohaska

Ana Prohaska

Ana’s research interests lie at the interface of ecology, biogeography and global change biology. More specifically, she is interested in understanding the long-term dynamics of species and ecosystems in response to environmental changes.

Ana was a DPhil student and Clarendon Scholar in the Oxford Long-term Ecology Lab and Biodiversity Institute, at the University of Oxford. She received her BSc (Hons) in Ecology from the University of Zagreb in 2008 and MSc in Biodiversity, Conservation and Management (Distinction) from the University of Oxford in 2009. Her honours project focused on the usage pattern of Croatian wildlife passages (“green bridges”) by large mammals. The MSc thesis developed a framework for incorporating long-term ecological resilience, as informed by the palaeoecological records, into conservation planning with the Caledonian forest in Scotland as a case study. In 2010, Ana worked as a research assistant in the Wilson Conservation Ecology Lab at the University of Queensland on projects relating to climate change adaptation and invasive species management.

Ana’s DPhil project examined the ecological responses of mixed Dipterocarp forests of Southeast Asia to past climatic changes using pollen and leaf wax biomarkers preserved in the sedimentary sequences from Lake Bulusan, a small crater lake in the Philippines.

Selected Publications

Ana Prohaska, Alistair WR Seddon, Bernd Meese, Katherine J Willis, John CH Chiang, Dirk Sachse, Abrupt change in tropical Pacific climate mean state during the Little Ice Age, Communications Earth & Environment, 4(1) 227 (2023).

Ana Prohaska, Alistair W. R. Seddon, Oliver Rach, Andrew Smith, Dirk Sachse, Katherine J. Willis, Long-term ecological responses of a lowland dipterocarp forest to climate changes and nutrient availability, New Phytologist (2023)

Ana Prohaska, Alistair Seddon, Bernd Meese, Katherine Willis, John Chiang, Dirk Sachse, Abrupt shift to El Niño-like mean state conditions in the tropical Pacific during the Little Ice Age, EarthArXiv, preprint

Ana Prohaska, Alistair WR Seddon, Bernd Meese, Katherine J Willis, John CH Chiang, D Sachse, Paleosediment-and model-derived data used for the reconstruction of environmental conditions during the Holocene at the Bulusan Lake, Philippines, V. 1.1. GFZ Data Services.